Monday, January 03, 2005

A New Year, same resolutions?

Another New Years has come and gone, and it seems that with every passing year my enthuisiasm for the event wanes a little further. Might be a sign of old age, or merely an aversion to having to schedule 13 different peoples needs and agendas for a simple dinner.

Another New Year means another meaningless list of resolutions. It seems that every year the list remains the same: Lose weight, work out at the gym more, attend more cultural events, read more books, etc. etc. I am not sure if it a sign of the randomness of life that most peoples list are somewhat similar, or that there really isn't much else to do in the world except compete for the same activities and goals with everyone else.

My list this year contains only a single item: Live life. I figure that if I wake up every day with an enthuisiam for what the day holds in store, everything else will take care of itself. That way I don't feel depressed when I forget about my resolutions by March, and have the same exact list next year. I'll give it a bash and see how it turns out.


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